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chirurgisch afval

My operation

Moeder en dochter maakten deze film

De Groningse kunstenares Maria Koijck en haar dochter Eva Glasbeek wonnen in Milaan een prijs met een film over al het afval dat overbleef na haar borstkankeroperatie.

Ze ontvingen in de Italiaanse stad de Guiltless plastic Prize uit handen van kunstenares Rosanna Orlandi. De prijs werd uitgereikt in het kader van de jaarlijkse designweek in Milaan. Zo'n 8.000 inzendingen uit 55 landen streden om de overwinning in drie categorieën. Koijck en Glasbeek deden mee in de categorie Emotie en Communicatie.

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Als je staar hebt, kun je een nieuwe lens krijgen, zodat je weer helder kunt zien. Dit is een relatief kleine maar zeer ingenieuze ingreep, waar bijna iedereen die ouder mag worden mee te maken krijgt.


Het hier getoonde afval is afkomstig van 40 staaroperaties. Dat is naast andere oogoperaties het gemiddelde weeknummer van de OMC Hanzekliniek in Groningen. Vrijwel alles wat bij deze ingreep wordt gebruikt, is wegwerpbaar, telkens worden er 2 operatiejassen, 3 dekens, 2 vezelmatten, 3 mutsen en nog veel meer gebruikt. Alleen al in Nederland worden er gemiddeld 4000 nieuwe lenzen geplaatst... per week. Dat is 100 keer zoveel afval per week als op deze video!


De video is gemaakt door filmmaker Eva Glasbeek en de prachtige muziek van Lucas Raimbault.

My first little footprint

This is Fé she was born on January 6, 2022 in the hospital. Her mother was admitted midway through labor due to slow dilation, she received an epidural in hospital and gave birth to a healthy daughter in the morning.

On average, a child is born every second worldwide.

This video shows the waste from an uncomplicated hospital birth, more than three garbage bags full. Of course, hygienic work must be done, but the question arises, can this also be done differently?


This is a video about the enormous consumption of plastic disposables in emergency care (ED).

The Accident and Emergency department is the hospital's department for acute problems, diagnoses and treatment. Sometimes you will be forwarded, other times you will receive a plaster and you can go home.

Twice I was here for 24 hours to keep track of the waste production.

This came out to almost the same amounts both days; an average of 150 kilos of waste in 140 plastic bags. On both days, approximately 90 patients visited the emergency room, quiet days according to the nursing staff.

It was striking that the waste contained a lot of coffee cups, packaging for takeaway food, towels, etc., so it was not medical waste.

While all this waste is treated as medical waste, which means that it is specially disposed of and burned.

This not only costs a lot of money and energy, but important raw materials are also lost due to incineration and can therefore no longer be reused.


Pam was a top hockey player, her goal was to play on the Olympic team.

Until she got a knee injury and had to have knee surgery.

This amount of medical waste is generated in her knee surgery, 12-13 kilos.

Every day, 93 knee operations such as Pam's are performed in the Netherlands.

That's 3600 worldwide every day!

Just imagine how much garbage this is, per day!

Using my films for your presentation or project

You can use these films for your presentation or project after paying for it.

With this money i will finance my new filmproject. 

Maria Koijck


+316 152 824 74

Maria Koijck - Zij Spreekt
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Website door Wisemice

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